Browsing by Advisor "Καλδέρης, Δημήτριος"

Now showing items 1-7 of 7

  • Methodology for prioritization of potentially polluting industrial activities.

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electronic Engineering Dept.
    Authors: Tsamis, George
    Thesis advisor: kalderis, Dimitrios
    Publication Date: 2024-01-24
    This thesis investigates the methodology of prioritization of potentially polluting industrial activities, from two Greek industries, one of cheesemaking and one of winemaking. The above industries are an integral part ...
  • Evaluation of sewage sludge compost.

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electronic Engineering Dept.
    Authors: Kouroumpalis, Georgios
    Thesis advisor: Kalderis, Dimitrios
    Publication Date: 2020-09-30
    The objective of this work was to evaluate a compost with the addition of sewage sludge from the local wastewater treatment plant. The mixture was added in pots where young olive trees had been established. To monitor the ...
  • Laboratory scale application of spectral induced polarization (SIP) method for environmental monitoring.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Applied Sciences, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
    Authors: Kirmizakis, Panagiotis
    Thesis advisor: Soupios, Pantelis; Ntarlagiannis, Dimitrios; Kalderis, Dimitrios
    Publication Date: 2016-06-12
    Spectral induced polarization (SIP) in the last couple decades has shifted its applicability from mineral exploration to more environmental applications. Such applications included, but not limited, to environmental pollution ...
  • Classification of potentially contaminated sites using a multi-criteria methodology .

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electronic Engineering Dept.
    Authors: Koumentaki, Eirini
    Thesis advisor: kalderis, Dimitrios
    Publication Date: 2023-10-10
    In this work, a decision support methodology is used to classify two distinctly different industries, according to the possibility that their sites are contaminated by waste. This methodology is based on a structured ...
  • Production and agricultural assessment of biochar prepared through hydrothermal carbonization of biomass.

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electronic Engineering Dept.
    Authors: Papachristou, Stamatina
    Thesis advisor: kalderis, Dimitrios
    Publication Date: 2023-08-28
    One of the major issues nowadays, mainly for the developed societies, is the management of the Municipality Solid Waste, and more specifically the biowaste which is produced in vast larger quantities than any other ...
  • Feasibility study and positioning of green recycling center at the city of Chania.

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electronic Engineering Dept.
    Authors: Fraggedakis, Georgios
    Thesis advisor: Kalderis, Dimitrios
    Publication Date: 2021-10-27
    The purpose of this study is to present the realistic picture of the current situation in the management of recyclable waste and of the so-called "bulky" waste in the Municipality of Chania.In addition, to demonstrate the ...
  • Hydrothermal treatment of landfill leachate.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Applied Sciences, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
    Authors: Kirmizakis, Panagiotis
    Thesis advisor: Kalderis, Dimitrios
    Publication Date: 21-09-2014
    This thesis negotiates the reduction of the organic load of leachate from the landfill of the municipality's Chania through oxidation at hydrothermal conditions. More specifically, the paper describes the methods of treatment ...