Μικροπολλαπλασιασμός διαφόρων καλλωπιστικών θάμνων.
Micropropagation of certain ornamental thicket.
Στην εργασία αυτή έγινε μια πρώτη προσπάθεια για την διερεύνηση της δυνατότητας in vitro αναπαραγωγής μερικών καλλωπιστικών θάμνων. Οι θάμνοι που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν, επιλέχθηκαν με βάση την αισθητική τους αξία, την χρησιμότητά τους και την διαθεσιμότητά τους σαν πειραματικό υλικό. In this work became a first effort for the investigation of possibility of in vitro reproduction certain ornamental thicket. The bushes that were used, were selected with base their aesthetic value, their usefulness and their availability as experimental material. Aim of present work, was the investigation of proliferation of in vitro ornamental plants with big commercial importance. For this reason were used the recipe of Murashige and Skoog (1962), with the addition of ( NAA ) and( VAΒ ), in concentrations from 0 until 5 ml / l. Became 11 different interventions and we took various results, the explanation of which we will try to give below.
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