Browsing EΛ.ΜΕ.ΠΑ. / HMU by Keywords "attitude"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Knowledge, attitudes and strategies for the prevention and treatment of school bullying, study in primary and secondary education parents.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2021-03-08The object of the present work is the study of the factors that favor the victimization of children between parental characteristics and role models. The present research is quantitative. The tool used to collect the data ... -
The attitudes and knowledge of Social Work students towards abortion and the factors that affect them.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2021-05-10Abortion is a particular issue with serious legal, social and moral implications worldwide. It is a controversial issue and always current, as today’s society is divided and two strong poles have been created: the proponents ... -
Attitudes and perceptions of young adults about Covid-19 in Heraklion Crete.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2022-05-04This particular thesis studies the attitudes and perceptions of young adults (18-30 years old) about covid-19 in Heraklion, Crete. This work aims to highlight the attitudes and views of young people concerned with the ... -
The perceptions and attitudes of the residents of Heraklion in regards to the accommodation of refugees in the city. The case of the city of Heraklion.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2020-06-04The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions and attitudes of the residents of Heraklion in regards to the accommodation of refugees in the city, as well as their overall perception of the refugee issue in ... -
Attitudes and perceptions of Hellenic Mediterranean University students towards restrictive measures, due to protection against a contagious disease/virus.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2021-10-01Recently, the world community has experienced intense quarantine conditions due to the outbreak of a pandemic from the COVID-19 virus. Quarantine is one of the first protective measures to limit the spread of a virus, ... -
Attitudes and opinions of people between the ages of 18 to 38 on the subject of male homosexuality.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2020-09-21Homosexuality is the erotic attraction and practices that are consciously and exclusively aimed at people of the same sex. Homosexuality is now one of the three main categories of sexual orientation in the heterosexual ... -
Risky behavior of students during the pandemia.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Nursing Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2022-10-24Introduction Corona virus disease is a disease that comes from SARS-COV-2 virus and mainly affects the respiratory system of human body. The last two years this virus has brought many changes in the daily life of human ...