Browsing EΛ.ΜΕ.ΠΑ. / HMU by Keywords "laser"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Automated device for materials surface Laser-processing.
H.M.U., School of Engineering (ScENG) MSc in Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Automation and Robotics
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-07-18The process of engraving using a laser beam has, in recent years, evolved greatly, resulting in the development of engraving techniques for a range of surfaces and materials. The laser beam uses the high heat it imparts ... -
Equal angle arms kinematic system for materials optical measurements with laser.
H.M.U., School of Engineering (ScENG) MSc in Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Automation and Robotics
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-07-14In the following thesis, we will present an automated kinematic arrangement of a four-joint system, which, during their movement, will be able to maintain very precisely equal angles with respect to the fixed material ... -
Study and development of a solid-state laser prototype pumped by power- LEDs.
H.M.U., School of Engineering (ScENG) MSc in Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Automation and Robotics
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-07-18The purpose of this work is the development of a solid-state crystal Neodymium (Nd:YAG) laser, with an innovative optical pumping source. In particular, the source of energy excitation of the laser consists of arrays of ... -
High harmonic generation from chirped ultra short laser pulses.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electronic Engineering Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2024-03-01In this master thesis we experimentally studied the effects of the induction of a linear chirp function into the electric field of a high-power laser. The scope of this study was to explore the different behaviour of high ...