Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Intelligent doctor’s agenda appointments and medical file management web application

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Business Administration (in Agios Nikolaos)
    Authors: Ntavitashvili, Eteri; Perrakis, Ioannis
    Thesis advisor: Aikaterinidis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2016-05-20
    This thesis studies the development in the health care sector caused by modern technology and the implementation of Electronic Health Records. Firstly, we examine the evolution of the traditional medical file, then we ...
  • Distributed electronic health record.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Charonitakis, Georgios
    Thesis advisor: Papadakis, Nikolaos
    Publication Date: 11-02-2015
    The health provider organizations in an effort to achieve higher quality delivery of health services in conjunction with lower cost, introduced the concept of Electronic Health Record (EHR). This effort was based on the ...