Now showing items 1-3 of 3

  • Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in vegetables.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Agriculture
    Authors: Galanaki, Elpida-Kalliopi
    Thesis advisor: Goumenaki, Eleni
    Publication Date: 2019-05-21
    Consumption of vegetable products is essential for a balanced diet and they are decisively involved in the proper functioning of metabolism and in maintaining health. Recent research results have shown a significant reduction ...
  • Accumulation of heavy metals in higher plants and unicellular photosynthetic organisms, exposed to contaminated environments.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Applied Sciences, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
    Authors: Bolanaki, Maria
    Thesis advisor: Lydakis-Simantiris, Nikolaos
    Publication Date: 2018-02-09
    Heavy metals are a major risk to the environment, plant and animal organisms. In this work, we consider the study of the effect/accumulation of cadmium, nickel and lead in pelargonium graveoleus and the unicellular graveolens ...
  • Accumulation of heavy metals in the fruits and leaves of bitter orange tree.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Applied Sciences, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
    Authors: Krommyda, Kalliopi
    Thesis advisor: Lydakis-Simantiris, Nikolaos
    Publication Date: 2016-06-23
    The main purpose of this project is to determine the pollution caused by heavy metals in the bitter orange fruits and leaves. Nickel, cadmium and lead were analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry into the fruits ...