Now showing items 1-20 of 22

  • Design and implementation of 3rd person action RPG game in Unity 3D.

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
    Authors: Beladakis, Georgios
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2021-11-03
    This dissertation is about the development of a Third-Person Action RPG game by using the game engine Unity3D. In addition, more emphasis is placed on the development of artificial intelligence, using finite state machines ...
  • Two dimensional survival game in Unity.

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
    Authors: Koundouraki, Eleni
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2020-11-30
    This thesis is about the creation of a 2Dimensional Survival Game for computers that was developed using Unity Game Engine and designed using the programs Aseprite for the character models and Tiled for the forming of the ...
  • A virtual reality serious game platform to support treatment of phobia patients.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), PPS in Informatics and Multimedia
    Authors: Kornarakis, Ioannis
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2017-02-09
    Phobias are an Anxiety Disorder with a significant percentage of the general population suffering from them. In recent years, Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy has emerged, that aids in the treatment of phobias using ...
  • Analysis, design and pilot implementation until serious games for autistic children

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Kavvalou, Maria
    Thesis advisor: Vidakis, Nikolaos
    Publication Date: 2016-06-24
    Internet platform for online creation of educational games with four categories of users: a) special psychologists b) elementary teachers c) students d) administrators. Everyone's role is defined by the rights under the ...
  • 3D game with Javascript, mostly using unity and blender.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Stamoulias, Andreas
    Thesis advisor: Malamos, Athanasios
    Publication Date: 09-02-2012
    The aim of this thesis is to set out the procedures to create a modern game, from the earliest stages of model and environment design patterns to programming and creating the executable file. During this thesis, we will ...
  • Two-dimensional game development in Unity.

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
    Authors: Mavrogenakis, Nikolaos
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2024-02-05
    The subject of this thesis concerns the creation of a two-dimensional platform game which has been developed in the Unity Game Engine and is compatible for computers. Various tilesets were used to create the maps and ...
  • Educational game development for Android devices

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Tzagaki, Eleni
    Thesis advisor: Papadakis, Nikolaos
    Publication Date: 2016-05-23
    In our days as usage of touch devices is more and more common we can grab the chance and create fun but educational software for students. This thesis ”Educational game for android devices” is a representation of a game ...
  • Application development for data entry from NUI Devices in Unity platform.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Sfendylis, Emmanouil
    Thesis advisor: Vidakis, Nikolaos
    Publication Date: 07-04-2015
    This work deals with the development of an application for the interaction between Microsoft’s natural user interaction sensor, Kinect and Unity’s game engine web player. At the same time there is a reference to the most ...
  • Development of 3d video game with implementation of electroencephalography EEG

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Theodorakopoulou, Andriana
    Thesis advisor: Papadourakis, Georgios
    Publication Date: 13-07-2015
    In our times, there has been a tremendous evolution of technology that has, among others, extended the human capabilities. The notion of using a brain's electrical activity (electroencephalography) to interact with personal ...
  • Motion detecting with wearable sensors.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Batakis, Nikolaos-Toyomo
    Thesis advisor: Malamos, Athanasios
    Publication Date: 2016-11-28
    This thesis titled “Motion Detecting with Wearable Sensors” has as purpose of showing the capabilities of wearable sensors. The project is a 2d platformer game made in the Unity game engine. After some thinking I decided ...
  • 3d game development in Unity Game Engine using Kinect for character interaction.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Kornarakis, Ioannis
    Thesis advisor: Malamos, Athanasios
    Publication Date: 19-01-2015
    The goal of this thesis is to study the most recent methods of creating realistic 3D models, the range of options given by Unity Game Engine and integrating Microsoft Kinect to that engine, utilizing MS-SDK, in order to ...
  • 3D character modeling in blender animated in Unity.

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
    Authors: Kokkoni, Theofania
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2020-07-08
    The concept of 3D graphics refers to the use of a three dimensional representation of geometric data, which is stored on the computer for use in calculations and in visualization as 2D images. The objects of 3D graphics ...
  • Creation of a 3D game in Unity, compatible with windows and Android.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Koundourakis, Gerasimos
    Thesis advisor: Malamos, Athanasis; Konstantinos, Kapetanakis
    Publication Date: 13-09-2014
    This thesis titled “creation of a 3d game build on unity and compatible with windows and android” has as purpose the creation of a 3d game based on unity with 3d modelling software, as soon as the story is set the creation ...
  • Cognition in digital environments.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Kavousanos, Georgios
    Thesis advisor: Papadourakis, Georgios
    Publication Date: 2016-09-06
    This document contains the results of an attempt to explore the differences in the activity of the human brain that is exposed to a digital world through Virtual Reality(VR), as opposed to more traditional media (Computer ...
  • Creation of 3D animated character (Αsset) for interactive applications like Unity 3D game engine.

    Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
    Authors: Lydakis-Simantiris, Andreas
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2024-01-24
    In this paper we will go through the process of creating a complete game-ready 3D character to be used in Unity Engine. There will be an analysis of the three core aspects of a 3D model, namely the mesh, the textures and ...
  • Augmented reality game line PokemonGo.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Kolydas, Alexandros
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2017-09-19
    This specific thesis concerns the creation of an augmented reality game on android phones that was made with the assist of Unity game engine and some programming languages such as C# and PHP. In this thesis there will ...
  • Game type open world single player shooter RPG.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Vlachakis, Vasileios
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2018-01-24
    The project is an Open World Single Player Shooter RPG and it is available on Windows and Android. It was created on the Unity3D game engine using Unity3D tools and the programming language C# for the scripting part. There ...
  • Racing game made by Unity.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Palassis, Dimitrios
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2018-05-08
    This thesis concerns the development of a vehicular combat videogame using the Unity Game Engine and the programming language c#, which the engine supports. This thesis features a short reference to Unity, its environment, ...
  • Survival type computer game in Unity

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Matalliotakis, Michail
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2017-01-17
    The present document contains information on the production of a survival-type computer game. Blender was used to create the environment for each game stage(floor,crates, barrels etc.) as well as the texture UV maps for ...
  • Online games and modern technological solutions. Create of a game.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Kyriakopoulos, Kyriakos
    Thesis advisor: Malamos, Athanasios
    Publication Date: 11-02-2015
    Purpose of this thesis is : a) to present different genres of online games and the evolution of each genre through time and game titles, b) to quote new technologies and problems that online 3d games face and c) to develop ...