Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Consumer preferences about "Smart hotels " in Crete.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Business Administration (in Heraklion)
    Authors: Zacharioudakis, Ioannis; Zervakis, Ntmitrii
    Thesis advisor: Κουργιαντάκης, Μάρκος; Apostolakis, Alexandros; Kourgiantakis, Markos
    Publication Date: 2017-11-07
    The current survey was conducted for the purpose of dissertation thesis on consumer preferences regarding "smart hotels’’ on Crete. The purpose of the survey is to analyze and evaluate visitors' preferences for the hotel ...
  • Social capital as a factor shaping perceptions of migration. Research in the countryside of Heraklion.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Health and Welfare Services (SEYP), Department of Social Work
    Authors: Zacharioudakis, Ioannis; Samprovalakis, Georgios; Trantafyllidis, Alexios
    Thesis advisor: Ratsika, Nikoleta
    Publication Date: 25-07-2014