Now showing items 1-4 of 4

  • The impact of the economic crisis on external trade in Greece.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Accounting and Finance
    Authors: Karniatis, Dimitrios
    Thesis advisor: Kyrikos, Dimitrios
    Publication Date: 2020-05-29
    Balance of Payments (BOP), also known as international balance of payments, summarizes all transactions that individuals, companies and government organizations of a country complete with individuals, companies and government ...
  • Value added tax clearing and intra-community trade.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Departement of Business Administration
    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Business Administration (in Heraklion)
    Authors: Kotsaridis, Petros; Vrentzos, Michail
    Thesis advisor: Marnelakis, Emmanouil
    Publication Date: 12-05-2011
  • Trade balance in Greece in the last fifteen years: 2000-2015.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Business Administration (in Heraklion)
    Authors: Pissadaki, Evdokia; Chatzaki, Kalliopi
    Thesis advisor: Thomaidis, Kleanthis
    Publication Date: 2017-09-15
    The current research paper negotiates the commercial balance in Greece in the last fifteen years, particularly since the year 2000- 2015.The main purpose is to analyze the main elements that needs, in order to give a ...
  • Costing goods imported from countries inside and outside the eurozone.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Accounting
    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Accounting and Finance
    Authors: Valyraki, Maria; Mpourmpaki, Stavroula
    Thesis advisor: Kechras, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 25-01-2011