Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Development of a field robot and autonomous navigation in row crop.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), IPPS Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Automation and Robotics
    Authors: Kalykakis, Emmanouil
    Thesis advisor: Kavvousanos, Emmanouil
    Publication Date: 2016-07-18
    The penetration of the mechatronics science and informatics on the agricultural production and generally the embedding of more cutting edge technologies aims to the better management of the farm, to the reduction of the ...
  • Development of a control system for a 2 DOF robotic arm which includes machine vision.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), IPPS Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Automation and Robotics
    Authors: Froudarakis, Konstantinos
    Thesis advisor: Kavvousanos, Emmanouil
    Publication Date: 2016-07-15
    The purpose of this paper is to develop a Machine Vision system, with only one camera, which can identify an object on a ballistic trajectory, calculate the point of impact on the plane of the robotic arm, and intercept ...