Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Getting beaches as tourist product –forms of marine tourism.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Business Administration (in Heraklion)
    Authors: Koutantou, Aikaterini
    Thesis advisor: Gonianakis, Emmanouil
    Publication Date: 2016-12-01
    Means by this work loomed the inter-university character of tourism and the possibilities offered to people, to society and to the economy. Deals with the marine tourism and the contribution of coast and beach, as well as ...
  • The impact of financial crisis on food habits and the role of mediterranean diet.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
    Authors: Koutantou, Aikaterini; Fasoulaki, Aikaterini
    Thesis advisor: Sfakianaki, Eirini
    Publication Date: 2018-07-25
    The global economic crisis, has influenced the lives of people, particularly in Greece. The result of the crisis is a reduction of monthly income and a corresponding increase in food prices. In additional, economic factors ...