Now showing items 21-22 of 22

  • Design and implementation of an active electrodes based eeg device, suitable for use in steady state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP). Study and applications.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), PPS in Informatics and Multimedia
    Authors: Lygerakis, Michail
    Thesis advisor: Tsiknakis, Emmanouil; Sakkalis, Evangelos
    Publication Date: 2016-07-18
    Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) are defined as signals produced by the brain as responses to visual stimulation at certain frequencies. When a visual stimulus ranging from 3.5 Hz to 75 Hz, [1] stimulates ...
  • Person identification with video, image and voice.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Gkikas, Stefanos; Dimitriadis, Avtantil
    Thesis advisor: Marias, Konstantinos; Tsiknakis, Emmanouil
    Publication Date: 2018-11-21
    In the 21st century, security is undoubtedly one of the main issues of employment and research of government agencies, business groups and individuals where they want to protect data integrity, the integrity of people and ...