Now showing items 1-7 of 7

  • Exergames for Parkinson’s disease patients using Microsoft Kinect.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), PPS in Informatics and Multimedia
    Authors: Papadopoulos, Nikoalos
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 16-02-2016
    Physical rehabilitation can be beneficiary for the physical condition and the mental health of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), especially if it is conducted on a daily base. Although due to the lack of interest, ...
  • Restoration of Kronios Lofos in the area of Ancient Olympia.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Applied Sciences, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
    Authors: Anastopoulos, George
    Thesis advisor: Kokkinou, Eleni
    Publication Date: 2018-09-20
    Aim of this work is the study of the techniques applied for the restoration of Kronio Lofou in Ancient Olympia from the consequences of the fire in 2007.
  • Nutrition and restoration of sports injuries.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
    Authors: Kritsotaki, Chrysoula; Manika, Maria
    Thesis advisor: Tranakas, Vasileios
    Publication Date: 2019-04-04
    Injuries are an inevitable part of participation during sports activities, irrespective of the level of participation of the individual, as can occur in people who play sports occasionally and in elite athletes. An important ...
  • Lignite excavation and restoration of lignite deposit mines in Kozani.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Applied Sciences, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
    Authors: Papaoikonomou, Charalampos
    Thesis advisor: Karapidakis, Emmanouil
    Publication Date: 07-10-2010
    This dissertation attempts to examine and register the methods of lignite excavation and restoration of lignite deposit mines in Kozani. Particular significance will be awarded to the wrecked mine of main field because it ...
  • E-brochure on "Rehabilitation methods".

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Informatics Engineering
    Authors: Kynigopoulos, Paschalis; Kyriakou, Kyriaki
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2018-03-19
    This diploma thesis aims to present a game that helps improve motor function in people with Parkinson's disease. Our e-brochure was done with the help of an existing dissertation on the creation of this game. To implement ...
  • A real-time skeleton-based physical rehabilitation platform.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), PPS in Informatics and Multimedia
    Authors: Xylourgos, Nikolaos
    Thesis advisor: Pachoulakis, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 24-07-2015
    The present thesis develops a virtual real-time physical rehabilitation platform tailored to Parkinson’s Disease (PD) patients. Proper exercises for PD patients are drawn from references, including also the corresponding ...
  • Robotic splint with pneumatic actuators for hand fingers reabilitation

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Engineering (STEF), Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Authors: Stoyanov, Alexandros
    Thesis advisor: Fasoulas, Ioannis
    Publication Date: 2016-05-16
    This thesis is about the design and construction of a robotic prosthesis (splint) using pneumatic actuators for its movement, and the development of an application for its control on a desktop computer. It is designed to ...