Ενσωμάτωση πολυμέσω MPEG-4 στα πλαίσια των τεχνολογιών HTML5.
Integrating mpeg-4 media in the context of html5 technologies.
Αντικείμενο αυτής της πτυχιακής είναι η δημιουργία ενός framework, το οποίο θα επιτρέπει στους προγραμματιστές να εμφανίζουν 2D και 3D περιεχόμενο MPEG-4, χρησιμοποιώντας μόνο τα εργαλεία της HTML5 και JavaScript. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, το πρότυπο MPEG-4 θα εμπλουτιστεί με τις σύγχρονες πολυμεσικές τάσεις. Επιπρόσθετα, σε αυτή την πτυχιακή εξετάζουμε τρόπους με τους οποίου μπορεί να γίνει ενσωμάτωση διαδραστικών σκηνών XMT-A μέσα σε μοντέρνους video containers, έτσι ώστε να γίνει εφικτή η αναμετάδοση και αναπαραγωγή τρισδιάστατων σκηνών στα πλαίσια της HTML5. The MPEG-4 standard provides various technologies that deal with delivering different types of multimedia content. This standard defines structures that deal with images, videos, sound, 2D and 3D content, digital rights management data and content descriptors. The main format that MPEG-4 uses to describe spatial and temporal 3D scene structure and interactions is the Binary Format for Scenes (BIFS). BIFS is a compressed, binary version of the VRML language. But this format doesn’t offer much flexibility to authors, so MPEG-4 supports another, textual, format. The Extensible MPEG-4 Textual (XMT) format is used to represent MPEG-4 scenes using a textual XML syntax, and is directly derived from BIFS. Although MPEG-4 is a standard for delivering multimedia content, there is at this point, no specific framework that can offer MPEG-4 content support on web pages, natively, without the need of extra software or plug-ins. The subject of this thesis is the creation of a framework that will enable authors and developers to display 2D and 3D MPEG-4 content using only HTML5 and JavaScript. This will bring the MPEG-4 standard up to date with modern multimedia trends. Additionally, we explore ways through which to integrate XMT-A interactive scenes with modern video containers, so as to integrate video and 3D scene media transmission and display in the context of HTML5. To do this, we fuse several different technologies, including X3D, X3DOM, XSLT and the WebM video format. Using this framework, a developer can create an HTML5 web page that can accommodate live interactive X3D scenes that conform to the MPEG-4 standard, can be integrated with WebM video, and are easy to author, read and manipulate. The main contributions of this work are: an exploration of the relationship between the XMT-A standard and the X3D language, an automatic conversion framework between the two, a mechanism for reproducing XMT-A scenes in HTML5 pages using X3DOM, and a transfer and display mechanism of XMT-A scenes through and alongside WebM video files. Ultimate goal is to create an In-Stream advertising platform that delivers interactive 3D advertisements to end-users.
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