Μελέτη εδαφόβιας πανίδας σε ελαιώνα και οπωρώνα του Βενεράτου, Ηράκλειο Κρήτης.
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Τσακιρίδης, Κώστας
Tsakiridis, Kostas
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Για τις ανάγκες της πτυχιακής μου μελέτης πραγματοποίησα πείραμα με παγίδες παρεμβολής εδάφους. Το πείραμα μου πραγματοποιήθηκε κατά τους μήνες Απρίλιο-Ιούλιο 2010. Οι παγίδες παρεμβολής ήταν ενεργές από 13/4 έως 7/7. Σκοπός του πειράματος ήταν να προσδιοριστεί η επίδραση 2 διαφορετικών καλλιεργειών (ελιάς και μεικτού οπωρώνα), καθώς και η κλίση του εδάφους στην εδαφόβια πανίδα. Για το σκοπό αυτό επιλέξαμε 2 γειτονικά αγροτεμάχια, σε δύο βαθμίδες, με επικλινέστερο τον οπωρώνα. Κατά τη διάρκεια της πτυχιακής μου μελέτης έμαθα να αναγνωρίζω και να ταξινομώ έντομα. Μέτρησα συνολικά πάνω από 7.500 ζώα με τη βοήθεια συμφοιτητών μου. Fauna collected from pitfall traps in two different locations was studied. The first one is an olive grove and the second one is an orchard adjacent to the grove. Both of them are located in the village Venerato, Crete. The Aim of the study was to compare the fauna found in each site. Six pitfall traps containing ethylene glycol were placed on each location. The traps were active from April the 13th until July 7th 2010 and insects were collected from them weekly. Statistical analysis of the results was carried out with pair T- test. A total of 7.524 animals were collected, 79% (5.974) of them were found in the olive grove and 21% (1.550) in the orchard. The majority of the collected animals were Coleoptera followed by Hymenoptera and Diptera. Acarina, Collembola, Opiliones. Insects from the family Formicidae were studied separately. The rest of the Taxa found were grouped in the research as “Others”. Shannon Index was 1,40 for the olive grove and 1,82 for the orchard. Although the majority of the animals collected were found in the olive grove, the orchard had a higher Shannon index reading. This was due to the dominance of one Taxon, Coleoptera. The numbers of Acarea and Collembolla were higher in springtime than summertime, something expected due to low humidity levels during summer period. The fact that the olive tree is evergreen and the trees in the orchard (apple trees, pear trees and plumb trees) are not, did not seem to affect the results as expected.
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