Now showing items 1-6 of 6

  • CEO's compensation and the growth of firms.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), PPS in Accounting and Auditing
    Authors: Koukoulakis, Georgios
    Thesis advisor: Arvanitis, Stavros
    Publication Date: 2017-02-16
    Over the last years extensive discussion has been made, including a variety of interpretations regarding the factors that caused the current economic crisis. Some of the studies have focused to policies implemented by ...
  • Evolution of employee remuneration against gross operating surplus or mixed income, the SW-country or regional eurozone 1995-2015.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Accounting and Finance
    Authors: Patroudakis, Emmanouil; Fytrou, Styliani; Prekatsounaki, Maria
    Thesis advisor: Stamatopoulos, Theodoros
    Publication Date: 2016-11-03
    Present study was designed in order to record and longitudinally present national production sizes of South-West Eurozone Periphery Members, with the use of National Accounts (GDP) and Regions Accounts (GVA), according to ...
  • Job satisfaction of the employers.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Business Administration (in Heraklion)
    Authors: Skafidas, Georgios
    Thesis advisor: Papastefanaki, Sofia
    Publication Date: 2018-05-07
    The present study dealt with the issue of job satisfaction and was completed through six chapters, where the first chapter was the introductory part. The second chapter presented the literature review by initially defining ...
  • Work relation-Payment systems in the modern corporative environment.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Departement of Business Administration
    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Business Administration (in Heraklion)
    Authors: Kourkounaki, Eirini-Antigoni; Koufakis, Theodoros
    Thesis advisor: Mavridis, Pavlos
    Publication Date: 17-07-2014
    In long periods of economic recession, like the condition that Greece is going through now, benefits, bonuses or extra credit for previous employment experience or further education and training, tend to diminish from ...
  • Labor market in Greece.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Accounting
    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Accounting and Finance
    Authors: Parasyri, Eirini; Kouka, Angeliki
    Thesis advisor: Anastasakis, Andreas
    Publication Date: 27-01-2011
  • Employees payment systems and evaluation.

    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Accounting
    T.E.I. of Crete, School of Management and Economics (SDO), Department of Accounting and Finance
    Authors: Vroulakis, Nikolaos
    Thesis advisor: Patedakis, Georgios
    Publication Date: 12-02-2009