Browsing by Keywords "Vitis vinifera L."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Evaluation of nodal explant and nutrient substrates on in vitro cultivation of five grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.).
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Crop Science
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Agriculture
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 29-02-2008 -
Effect of removal of grape's end and the girdling of the maturing process and the production of soultanina (Vitis vinifera L.), cultivated under protection.
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Crop Science
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Agriculture
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 29-02-2008By this homework, we studied the influence first of taking away by cutting the grape's end and engraving sprout's skin while it became ripen and second, the quality features of Vitis Vinifera cultivated under cover. The ... -
Effect of after-flowering application N6-Benzyladenine (BA), in combination or not with application of gibberellic acid (GA3), in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the soultanina (Vitis Viniferal L).
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Crop Science
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Agriculture
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 29-02-2008 -
Effect of time of application of green harvesting, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the grape variety Kotsifali (v.vinifera l.).
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Crop Science
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Agriculture
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 16-01-2012 -
Humic substances stimulate plant growth and nutrient accumulation in grapevine rootstocks.
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Agriculture
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 27-01-2015Humified organic matter is an important element of soil fertility, exerting direct effects on plant growth and metabolism. Investigations with several plant species have suggested that the beneficial effects of humic ... -
The effect of deficit irrigation techniques on the crop of graperine (Vitis Vinifera L.). Description of morphological, physiological and biochemical adjustments of the major cultivated varieties.
T.E.I. of Crete, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (STeGTET), Department of Agriculture
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 26-01-2015Graperine is a traditional non-irrigated that occupies quite an extensive agricultural area in dry lands and semi-arid regions. Recently irrigation was introduced to increase the law-land yield, but a good compromise between ...