Browsing Πτυχιακές εργασίες / Bachelor Theses by Advisor "Μαρκάκης, Γεώργιος"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Alcohol, family relationships and quality of life of adults.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2022-01-12Overview: Alcohol consumption constitutes a social phenomena with significant consequences on a user's life as well as broader psychological, medical, economical, and sociological implications. The topic has not been ... -
Eating disorders in college students of HMU at Heraklion of Crete.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2021-07-14Over the years, more and more people are giving more attention to their appearance, burdening themselves with dietary programs that are unpleasant for their body, which lead to the appearance of psychogenic disorders. The ... -
Investigation of discrimination against LGBT + people.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2021-04-22The purpose of this study is to investigate discrimination against LGBTQI + individuals in Greece and to compare, depending on the groups in terms of which there is more intense discrimination. The sample of the research ... -
Field investigation on the depression and anxiety levels of HMU Social Work students between 18-25 years old, during the pandemic.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2022-09-20Introduction: The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the imposition of restrictive measures internationally has had significant psychological effects on the population, especially among students aged 18-25. In order to ... -
Women's attitudes and perceptions regarding women's violence.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-11-23The purpose of this thesis is to study and record women's attitudes and perceptions regarding women's violence. More specifically, the work is realized in 6 chapters. The first chapter attempts a conceptual definition of ... -
Loss of partner of the elderly and the impact on daily life.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2021-03-24The aging of the population is a phenomenon that is observed intensively the last few decades and the result of many factors. The population’s aging structure and its aging synthesis are defined by two factors: fertility ... -
Life satisfaction and psychological well-being of adult residents of the prefecture of Heraklion.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2021-11-23This paper refers to the life satisfaction and psychological well-being of the adult residents of the prefecture of Heraklion. More specifically, the research concerns how socio-demographic characteristics affect the scores ... -
Alcohol and young people : the dimensions of the phenomenon of alcohol use from the students of Hellenic Mediterranean University of Crete.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2022-09-19Τhe present diploma thesis points out the use of alcohol from young people. At the beginning refers to historical reference of alcohol use. Subsequently, focuses to the individual, psychological, social, ... -
The homeless in Heraklion, Crete: opinions of students of the Department of Social Work.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2022-09-20This research aims to investigate the opinions and attitudes of ELMEPA social work students regarding the living conditions of the homeless in the municipality of Heraklion, Crete. This is a very important issue, which ... -
The views of HMU students about the elderly people.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2022-09-20In the present thesis we have chosen to deal with and highlight old Age, both out of personal interest in the specific age group, and in particular, out of a necessity imposed by this unprecedented state of the pandemic ... -
Financial crisis and quality of life of elderly people from 60 to 80 years of age in the Municipality of Heraklion-Crete.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2020-09-15Purpose: The current thesis’s purpose is to investigate the quality of l-ife of the elderly people (60-80 years old) in the municipality of Hera-klion and how is it affected b-y the economic crisis. Methodology: To make ... -
Use and abuse of the Internet,by students in the prefecture of Heraklion in the midst of a pandemic Covid-19.
Η.Μ.U, School of Health Sciences (SHS), Social Work Dept.
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2021-11-08This study aims to draw conclusions on the online habits of students. Moreover, an estimation of the degree of technology addiction is made along with an investigation on the link between internet use and abuse and the ...