Browsing Πτυχιακές εργασίες / Bachelor Theses by Advisor "Τζιράκης, Ευάγγελος"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Analysis of routes for the development of a representative driving cycle of real-driving conditions for the city of Chalkida.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2020-03-30The problem of the degradation of the natural environment has been a strong concern for almost three decades in all the countries of the world. References to pollution of lakes, seas, rivers, atmosphere, soil are made daily ... -
Analysis of long-distance / urban route of a passenger vehicle in the prefecture of Attica.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-10-02In this thesis, an attempt is made to design a driving cycle that represents the driving behavior of the drivers of the wider Attica region. An area of the southern coastal front of Attica was chosen as a test and ... -
Functional restoration and preparation for calibration of a laboratory gasoline engine.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-07-24This thesis aims to showcase the reconstruction, restoration, maintenance and the proper functioning of a lab internal combustion engine attached to a hydraulic dynamometer. It also aims to demonstrate its orderly functioning ... -
Failures of internal combustion engines and their impact on pollution emissions and fuel consumption.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-19This dissertation deals with the impact of damage to operation, emissions and engine fuel consumption. More specifically, the purpose of this work is to study the emissions of gases (CO, CO2, NOx) from engines (gasoline ... -
Diagnosis and troubleshooting inside of a piston engine.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-07Combustion engine is one of the most significant scientific breakthroughs for mankind with a big variety of usages in everyday problems. Nowadays vehicles as a means of transport is considered essential, although the ... -
Pollutant and carbon dioxide emissions (CO2): development of methods for a "green" shipping.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-18This dissertation presents the current record of the problems arising from the activities of maritime transport of cargo of all types around the world, as well as the direction in which the engineering industry moves to ... -
Quarry equipment for the processing and production of stone products.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-18The subject of this dissertation was the quarry, the machinery and the general equipment used in it, as well as the applications of its products. A quarry is a type of open pit mine in which stone, rock, aggregate, ... -
Passenger vehicles in Greece. Vehicle fleet and public acceptance of upcoming changes due to emissions.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-20This diploma thesis was created in order to highlight the problem of the aging fleet of vehicles in Greece today as well as the problems arising from this fact, mainly in human health with the pollutants produced. A survey ... -
Existing legislation for the establishment and operation of KTEO (Vehicle Technical Inspection Centers) with a record of control procedures.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-08The subject I dealt with in my dissertation describes the legislation that applies to the establishment and operation of Vehicle Technical Inspection Centers. Initially, reference is made to the organization of KTEO as ... -
Vehicle driving patterns and traffic characteristics in the greater area of a Greek central city.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-07-03Pollutant emissions from everyday vehicles are one of the main causes of environmental pollution. In order to be able to define and control the impact of human activity on the environment, it is necessary to record the ... -
Driving circles.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-19The subject of this work was the study of driving cycles in Crete. The specific measurement was made for the route Sitia-Heraklion and had 3 reference points where the section Sitia-Selinari, Selinari-AgiosNikolaos, and ... -
Driving cycle through accidentally registered routes for the city of Heraklion.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-19The scope of this thesis is to highlight the problem of air emissions from passenger vehicles, its solution framework and the recording of traffic data in the city of Heraklion in order to create driving cycles. The ... -
Methodology - Development of driving cycles from driving data for the city of Athens.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-08The scope of this thesis is the analysis of the usefulness of driving cycles, especially regarding vehicle emission testing, as well as the experimental recording of data in order to create new representative driving ... -
Methodology and development of driving cycle for the city of Heraklion.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2020-03-30Due to the need for the transportation of people and goods, modern lifestyle requires annihilation of distances. This can be achieved with internal combustion engine vehicles. These vehicles have great energy requirements ... -
Feasibility study and product design of an electric motor/wheel (BLDC) for a two wheeler city vehicle.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-18This thesis constitutes the design of an electric scooter and the development of its three-dimensional model, with a new innovative folding mechanism and its operation with a BLDC motor, in order to make the electric scooter ... -
Vehicle driving patterns and traffic characteristics in the greater area of Naxos during summer time.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-13The purpose of this thesis is to record, research and analyze the characteristics of vehicles in terms of emissions in order to prepare a traffic profile (speed-time diagram) according to the instructions of the WLTP Driving ... -
Financial and technical management of a Local Authority vehicle fleet.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-08-24The main purpose of this specific thesis is the detailed recording and analysis of technical and financial data of the motorized fleet of the Local Government Organization, which consists of 41 vehicles, categorized as ... -
Real world driving pattern monitoring and traffic evolvement in a specific Heraklion route.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-07-10In this thesis is created a driving profile for a central artery of the city of Heraklion. The data are recorded from a Mitsubishi l200 car with 3000 cubic meters and an automatic transmission, in February 2020. This ... -
Specifications and legislation in force for the establishment and operation of MOT centers.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-07-21Vehicle Technical Control Centres (K.T.E.O in Greek) were introduced in Greece in 1983 only for trucks and from 1986 for all vehicles. A steady increase in traffic accidents and environmental pollution made their establishment ... -
Vehicle technical inspection: legislation, procedures and MOT centre contribution to road safety and emissions.
Η.Μ.U, School of Engineering (ScENG), Mechanical Engineering Dept
Thesis advisor:
Publication Date: 2023-09-14The scope of this project is the analysis of the legal framework and the process of Technical Inspection of Vehicles and this contribution in the field of road safety and environmental protection. Road transport vehicles ...